Thursday, December 18, 2014

November 2014

Abby turned 18 months old on November 3rd. We made sure to measure her height on the growth chart board. 

For her half birthday, we got her a little princess potty. She hasn't used it yet but likes to sit on it!

I captured this sweet picture of Russ taking care of Abby after her bath one night. She likes for him to sit on the exercise ball and bounce her, then she fake cries when he stops!

Daddy & Abby watching Noah get his football trophy

Alisse babysat Abby for us one night and took her to a carnival with Lucy and Davis. She also put pigtails in her hair. I LOVE them on her but I can't make them look as cute as Alisse did.

See what I mean... in the picture below, I had attempted pigtails and the hair just fell out!

This picture was actually taken in October but I didn't see it until November so I of course had to include in this blog post anyway. Abby loves her two grandmas!

It's no secret that I love sleeping pictures, even if I take them after sleeping VERY uncomfortably with a toddler in bed with me.

I had to take this picture of Abby and share with a few of my sisters because she looks JUST like the little girl on "mouths of babes".

We took a visit to Grandpa Price's house and Abby LOVED seeing the horses...

... the blonde horse, Chloe, was her favorite.

Sharing my drink with Abby one day was a big mistake. She thought that meant it was her's. #spoiled

Cousins Abby and Davis in their cute jammies!

She's sitting on her toilet with her pants pulled down. Haha! Still not going potty on it!

Abby inherited her mom's OCD genes and shares Noah's obsession of lining things up.

Our cutest baby girl at our night-before-Thanksgiving dinner. We went around the table and said something we were thankful for. She mentioned "daddy", "whoawa", and "gampa". She also just folded her arms like it was time to say a prayer one time after we asked her what she was thankful for. Haha! We are so thankful for HER!

A few hours later, we did our Thanksgiving lunch. We had Mary Ann and the Hess family join all the Sherwoods (+ Grandma Riggs) for a really yummy spread!

Friday night after Thanksgiving, we set up a scavenger hunt around our neighborhood for our kids... a big secret we've been keeping from them was going to be revealed at the end. The older girls didn't come over so only Noah and Sophie were participating. We rode our bikes around the neighborhood to find all the clues. Each clue had a problem to solve that gave them a number and also a hint as to where the destination was for the next clue. The very last clue told them to put all the numbers together in order, to find the address of a new house we would be moving to. They were so shocked and so excited. It was a really fun thing to do with them and we are so excited about moving. We get to stay in our neighborhood & ward and we love it here! That night, Abby kept randomly saying "shfun" as we were riding bikes. That means "fun" in her language :)

Our last event of November was the annual Sherwood family bike ride. We rode bikes from Grandma & Poppy's house and then we had a picnic and some people played flag football.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October 2014

October was a very busy month for our family, according to the amount of pictures uploaded to this blog post!

Cute sisters playing on the playground as we watch Noah's football game.

Fun night out with cousins at Venezia's Pizza while the dads went to the Priesthood session of conference!

We took a trip to Castles & Coasters during October Break. It was just mom, Suzanne, Ellie, Noah, Sophie and Abby. We had so much fun, the weather was pretty nice, and there weren't any lines all day long!

Day 2 of October Break was spent at the Phoenix Zoo. It was awesome to take Abby for the first time and for Daddy to be able to join us. 

 (we didn't purchase the picture they took of us at the entrance so here is the "proof")

  Daddy also took days 3, 4, and 5 of October Break off to spend time with us. It was so nice to have him home! On day 4, we rented a RZR and took it out to the desert. Sophie had gone back home and Noah had gone to a family campout with Ellie, Suzanne, and Lance - so it was just Dad, Mom, and Abby in the desert. Miss Abberdeen loved it. She was so good the whole time, only acting nervous if she saw mom acting nervous! Also, having rained the day before made this the perfect day. It was cool enough to wear jackets as we rode and felt so nice outside. 

(This helicopter was flying low and circling over us just to give us a show. The people inside waved to us before they left.)

"Helping" dad with Sophie's birthday present.

Crazy goggle girl!

Abby started attending nursery a little pre-maturely (before she was officially 18 months old). Aunt Alisse was subbing in the nursery so we thought it would be a perfect way to get Abby used to it while someone she knew could help comfort her if she got sad! It's nice that we have these pictures Alisse took to document her first nursery experience!

We took our family to see "Meet the Mormons" for our family home evening one night. We really liked the movie and Abby was pretty good considering her age. She only wanted to run around during the last 30 minutes or so of the movie. 

We also took a tour of the new Phoenix temple! 

Abby gets to go on most date nights with mom and dad (that needs to change)! Here's Dad showing her how to draw while we were at a restaurant. If she has even an ounce of artistic ability in her, it didn't come from her mama! 

Lucy and Sophie had a sleepover and Abby thought she was cool hanging out with the "big girls"!

Abby gets to go to nursery with Davis. They are both the cutest!

We took family pictures and here are some really cute ones of Abby from that day...

Abby LOVES panda bears and was so excited about what she thought was a giant stuffed animal when her Halloween costume arrived in the mail! When she saw herself in the mirror though, she didn't know if she should laugh or cry. She was a little bit scared of it at first!
We got to eat lunch with Noah at his school on his birthday. Abby gets excited anytime we even pass the school in the car so this was awesome for her!
Cutest babies in town: Davis and Abby

The night of our neighborhood's trunk-or-treat was way too hot for the panda costume. We had bought Abby this penguin costume as a back up in case the panda didn't arrive from China in time for Halloween. She was the cutest little penguin and had a fun time at the trunk-or-treat.

Halloween night: Cleopatra, Panda Bear, and a Military Man

We spent Halloween night at Grandma & Poppy's house (as usual). Noah and Ellie didn't care to go trick or treating but instead passed out candy all night. We took Abby, Sophie, Davis, and Lucy trick-or-treating together after eating some pizza :)


Cutest cousins: Cinderella, Cleopatra, Prince Charming, a Military Man, a Loofah, and a Panda Bear.

Abby was so sweaty when we took off her panda costume... Noah helped her air out!

Here are some more fun and random pictures of Abby that we took throughout the month:

She helps herself to Dad's ipad then hangs out in his chair just like him.

Here she has all her favorite toys as she watches the "baby channel".

This woman has become a tv head in the past month or so. 

Just being crazy (and scroungy)... we took this picture at 11:30 one night. She's a night owl.

Abby wins the award for best bed head!

Obsessed with the baby channel...