Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October 2015

We went to the lake with Jared and Shanda Adams during mid-October and it was lots of fun. We were surprised that getting in the water wasn't actually too bad!
 We surfed and rode the hot dog tube! Even Abby got on the tube between Noah and I - but we did tip over and she was done. Poor girl!

Abby and Davis riding the carousel at kids club!

Sweet sleeper with her Minnie Mouse high heels on.
More kids club fun!

Abby & Grandpa Price trying to take selfies together!

 Abby's window was down so she thought it would be fitting to put her leg outside and relax! haha!

Abby already knows what she's asking Santa for!
We took Abby's binky away this month and made a new rule, that she only gets it at nap time and bed time. She has been really good about it and usually just hands it over before we even say anything to her about it. Every once in awhile though, she sneaks it and "hides"! haha
Celebrating Noah's birthday at Teriyaki Madness and then Jaxen's game afterward...

Ellie, Taryn, and Roxy with Lucy, Davis and Abby.

Now that Abby sleeps in a bed at night, she can get out and just come and climb in bed with me in the morning. I love the cuddles!

We did a family outing to TopGolf one night. Noah and Russ were supposed to go on a campout this night but we figured out that morning that we weren't prepared for it and it was going to be really hard to make it work. So we did TopGolf instead. We loved the food and the music and being together. 

The next day, Russ took the kids out for a Teryx ride while I stayed home and worked on more projects for Sophie's room. 
Abby is such a crack up - she finds weird ways to fit inside of cupboards and this time she was using my caboodle as a chair!
Just hanging out with some really bad bed head...

Abby & Davis on grandma & poppy's back porch, loving the iPad!

These are our cute neighbors / Abby's BFFs Kozie and Boston. They got to spend a day with us and enjoy a wagon ride around the neighborhood, in some great weather! (October / November are the best as far as weather in AZ goes!)

Abby in her huge bow!

Working out with mom :)

Abby wanted to be Daisy Duck for Halloween, which isn't sold as a set, so Russ and I made it a team effort to make her the cutest Daisy Duck you've ever seen. Russ made her this hat using a white hat and felt... it turned out so perfect!

The night before Halloween, we went to a fall festival at Noah's school. Sophie and Abby's favorite part of the night was just dancing to the music...

... and riding in the back of Dad's truck to and from the school. 

On Halloween day, Sophie and Abby went to Lucy & Davis's Halloween party. Here are some cute pictures Alisse took... 

I didn't love the way Abby looked for the party, so I decided to leave her hair down and put makeup on her for trick or treating that night...

Trick or treaters came to our door before we were ready to leave, and these 2 girls loved handing candy out.

Abby as Daisy Duck 

I'm never in to dressing up for Halloween but all month long, Abby asked us "who's gonna be Donald Duck?" She really wanted Noah to be Donald but of course he refused. He is 11 years old afterall. Haha! I found a Minnie Mouse headband and hoped it would make Abby feel better that Daisy Duck had her girlfriend trick-or-treating with her.

I took Sophie and Abby trick-or-treating while Noah went with his friends, and Russ stayed home to pass out candy.

The one block we collected candy from took quite awhile. With both girls wearing high heels, they were done after that one block. Abby in fact had me hold her all the way down our street at the end. We then cuddled up in blankets and helped Dad pass out candy. Sophie and Abby loved handing out candy just as much as collecting the candy. It was fun to see everyone's costumes, and Halloween is always the most fun with Russ by our side!